Cattedrale Vegetale Church, Italy

Cattedrale Vegetale (tree church) located in Bergamo outskirts, northern Italy, . Giuliano Mauri is the designer and begins the construction in late 2001. He dies in 2009, one year before the construction of the cathedral is completed. This church does not have luxury decorations and is only build by woods. If you are first-time visitor ,  you might think it’s just part of the forest.

In Spring, the church is so greenery that lots people schedule and host their wedding here. It a unique scene and memory.

In Winter, the snow makes the church look quite and peaceful.

Cattedrale Vegetale is in a place where is silent, peaceful and surrounded by natural curtain trees. It is built by eighty columns of plaited twigs in which are 12m height and 1m in diameter. In each column, there’s a young plant of hornbeam with cuts and pruning where are adapted to the shape of a Vegetal Cathedral. Over the years, the artifice which could accompany the growth of plant will rot and leave the place to the hornbeam. The structure of the church is open and passable in each direction and is destined to become a natural backdrop for events of any creative discipline.

In space on the border between natural and artificial, the art and nature blend and create a magic beauty, a cathedral that dematerializes its walls but leaves a impressive spirit for visitor at the same time. Cattedrale vegetale follows the turning of the seasons and transforms appearance.

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